A Pentecostal woman sings a hymn during an evening church service at Rockhouse Pentecostal Church in Hyden, Ky. on Wednesday, October 9, 2013. Photo by Adam Pennavaria

A Pentecostal man raises his fist in praise during an evening church service at Rockhouse Pentecostal Church in Hyden, Ky. on Wednesday, October 9, 2013. Photo by Adam Pennavaria

Kevin Whitaker bows his head in prayer after Leslie County's disappointing loss to Betsy Layne in the first round of the 54th district championships. The game's final score was 51-0. Photo by Adam Pennavaria

Kevin Whitaker greets his girlfriend Lindsay Couch, 18, after the football game at Leslie County High School in Hyden, Ky. on Friday, October 11, 2013. Photo by Adam Pennavaria

Quarterback Kevin Whitaker dodges a Betsy Layne player at Leslie County High School in Hyden, Ky. on Friday, October 11, 2013. Photo by Adam Pennavaria

Coach Russell Melton gives quarterback Kevin Whitaker the next play during Leslie County's game against Betsy Layne at Leslie County High School in Hyden, Ky. on Friday, October 11, 2013. Photo by Adam Pennavaria

Kevin Whitaker downs a Red Bull before the Leslie County football team faces Betsy Layne at Leslie County High School in Hyden, Ky. on Friday, October 11, 2013. "I usually drink one or two before every game," he said. "It helps me hit harder." Photo by Adam Pennavaria

Kevin Whitaker (right) and teammate Stefan Lewis, 18, stare at their phone screens at Whitaker's house in Hyden, Ky. on Friday, October 11, 2013. Photo by Adam Pennavaria

Kevin Whitaker swings his brother Darron, 13, in the family living room in Hyden, Ky. on Thursday, October 10, 2013. Photo by Adam Pennavaria

Kevin Whitaker prepares to release an arrow in his backyard in Hyden, Ky. on Thursday, October 10, 2013. Kevin has been hunting with his father and brother since he was a small child. The family kills and preserves most of their meat instead of purchasing it. Photo by Adam Pennavaria

The Leslie County football team raises their hands in a huddle at the end of practice at Leslie County High School in Hyden, Ky. on Thursday, October 10, 2013. Photo by Adam Pennavaria

Kevin Whitaker throws a pass to his teammate during practice at Leslie County High School in Hyden, Ky. on Thursday, October 10, 2013. Photo by Adam Pennavaria

Kevin Whitaker takes a test in his health class at Leslie County High School in Hyden, Ky. on Thursday, October 10, 2013. Photo by Adam Pennavaria

Mason Lewis attempts to catch a bass out of his family's pond on Friday, Oct. 11, 2013. Mason's father has been trying to get him into fishing and hunting to pull him away from the tv and his Xbox.
Photo by Coty Giannelli

Todd Horton, the athletic director, and head football coach help paint the lines on the field on Thursday, Oct. 10, 2013. A group of former students and assistant coaches gather to cook out and help paint the field the day before a football game.
Photo by Coty Giannelli

An assistant coach for the Leslie County High School football team poses for a photo beside racks of ribs that he has been smoking all day on Thursday, Oct 10, 2013. Coaches and former students gather the night before the game to cookout and help get the field ready for the game.
Photo by Coty Giannelli

Teresa Napier prays as her preacher at the Hyden Church of God blesses her with annointed oil on Wednesday, Oct. 9, 2013. Mrs. Napier recently discovered that her kidneys weren't functioning normally.
Photo by Coty Giannelli

Mrs. Lewis sits on a picnic table at her home as her husband shows their son how to shoot a compound bow on Friday, Oct. 11, 2013.
Photo by Coty Giannelli

Mrs. Lewis helps her daughter get ready to go watch a football game on Friday, Oct. 11, 2013. Madyson is a tom-boy and not the best at doing things like putting on make-up and straightening her hair.
Photo by Coty Giannelli

Mrs. Lewis, Madyson and her friend stand on the reclaimed of what used to be a strip mine on Friday Oct 11. 2013. There isn't a lot to do around Hyden so it's not unusual for Mrs. Lewis and company to explore this area and have picnics.
Photo by Coty Giannelli

Mrs. Lewis and a guidance counselor watch the children leave school and board the bus on Thursday Oct. 10, 2013.
Photo by Coty Giannelli

Mrs. Lewis scolds a student at school on Thursday Oct. 10, 2013. As Vice-Prinicipal she handles the discipling of the children. She is very strict but the children show a lot of admiration and respect for her.
Photo by Coty Giannelli

Mrs. Lewis takes a moment to talk to her daughter Madyson in-between classes on Thursday Oct 10, 2013. Madyson is a star-athlete, who plays softball and basketball.
Photo by Coty Giannelli

Pictures of Mrs. Lewis' children on her desk on Friday, Oct. 10, 2013. She has a teenage daughter, who goes to the same school she works at, and a son in fifth-grade.
Photo by Coty Giannelli

Mrs. Lewis disciplines a student for being tardy in-between classes on Thursday Oct. 10, 2013. The school takes timeliness very serious and being tardy for class often ends up in punishment like in-school detention.
Photo by Coty Giannelli

Vice Principal Marlene Lewis and a faculty member joke with another faculty member while they wait for the bell to ring so they can monitor the hallways on Friday, Oct. 10, 2013. The school has an issue with students smoking in the bathrooms and skipping classes so they have started monitoring the hallways and bathrooms between classes.
Photo by Coty Giannelli

Light painting reveals the Mary Breckinridge statue, honoring the founder of the Frontier Nursing Service in downtown Hyden, Ky., on Friday, October 11, 2013. Photo by Eleanor Hasken

David Stephenson, left, photojournalism advisor for The Kentucky Kernel and his daughter, Tory Stephenson, click their heels together at John Asher Strip Mine in Hyden, Ky., on Friday, October 11, 2013. Photo by Eleanor Hasken

David Stephenson, left, photojournalism advisor for The Kentucky Kernel and his wife Angie Stephenson, watch the sunset together at John Asher Strip Mine in Hyden, Ky., on Friday, October 11, 2013. Photo by Eleanor Hasken

The sun sets over the abandoned John Asher Strip Mine in Hyden, Ky., on Friday, October 11, 2013. Photo by Eleanor Hasken

The sun sets over the abandoned machinery at John Asher Strip Mine in Hyden, Ky., on Friday, October 11, 2013. Photo by Eleanor Hasken

Gordon Hunter, left, a mechanic at Bentley's Repair and Service, and Bonnell Bentley watch a tree being cut down in Wooton, Ky., on Thursday, October 10, 2013. Photo by Eleanor Hasken

Bonnell Bentley oversees a mechanic change a taillight Wooton, Ky., on Thursday, October 10, 2013. Photo by Eleanor Hasken

Bonnell Bentley waits for cars to enter Bentely's Repair and Service in Wooton, Ky., on Thursday, October 10, 2013. Photo by Eleanor Hasken

A bull, a male elk, stands in the woods at the abandoned John Asher Strip Mine in Hyden, Ky., on Thursday, October 10, 2013. Photo by Eleanor Hasken

Elk stand on a ridge at the abandoned John Asher Strip Mine in Hyden, Ky., on Thursday, October 10, 2013. Photo by Eleanor Hasken

A cow, a female elk, stands on a ridge at the abandoned John Asher Strip Mine in Hyden, Ky., on Thursday, October 10, 2013. Photo by Eleanor Hasken

Wayne Singleton cuts down a tree that was growing into a hill in Wooton, Ky., on Thursday, October 10, 2013. Photo by Eleanor Hasken

Wayne Singleton cuts down a tree that was growing into a hill in Wooton, Ky., on Thursday, October 10, 2013. Photo by Eleanor Hasken

Gordon Hunter fixes a tire at Bentley's Repair and Service in Wooton, Ky., on Thursday, October 10, 2013. Photo by Eleanor Hasken

Bonnell Bentley listens to a story at Bentley's Repair and Service in Wooton, Ky., on Thursday, October 10, 2013. Photo by Eleanor Hasken

Gordon Hunter runs a bypass through A.C. system on a car at Bentley's Repair and Service in Wooton, Ky., on Thursday, October 10, 2013. Photo by Eleanor Hasken

Bonnell Bentley holds one of the first Vehicle Inspection Station signs at Bentley's Repair and Service in Wooton, Ky., on Thursday, October 10, 2013. Photo by Eleanor Hasken

Two football players face each other during football practice at Mountain View Elementary in Hyden, Ky., on Wednesday, October 9, 2013. Photo by Eleanor Hasken

A bible sits in front of a 15 c. stained glass window at Frontier Nursing University in Hyden, Ky., on Wednesday, October 9, 2013. Photo by Eleanor Hasken

Johnny Baker, deacon at First Baptist Church of Wooton, presides over the weekly financial meeting in Wooton, Ky., on Wednesday, October 9, 2013. Photo by Eleanor Hasken

Tim Reynolds, pastor at First Baptist Church of Wooton, takes notes during the weekly financial meeting in Wooton, Ky., on Wednesday, October 9, 2013. Photo by Eleanor Hasken

A student studies for her clinical outside of Frontier Nursing University in Hyden, Kentucky on October 11, 2013. Photo by Eleanor Hasken

Gwen Short, a teacher at Frontier Nursing University, checks on Certified Family Nurse Practitioner student, Tara Kendrick. Kendrick has not worked with meat before and did not feel comfortable handling it, in Hyden, Kentucky on October 11, 2013. Photo by Eleanor Hasken

Certified Family Nurse Practitioner student, Tara Kendrick, reacts to working with her beef tongue. Kendrick has not worked with meat before and did not feel comfortable handling it, in Hyden, Kentucky on October 11, 2013. Photo by Eleanor Hasken

A Frontier Nursing School student injects lotion into a beef tongue to practice relieving abscesses, in Hyden, Kentucky on Friday, October 11, 2013. Photo by Eleanor Hasken

Certified Family Nurse Practitioner student, Jessica Tucker, holds up a beef tongue so her friend can take a photo at Frontier Nursing University in Hyden, Kentucky on October 11, 2013. Photo by Eleanor Hasken

Rhonda Arthur, a teacher at Frontier Nursing University, holds a beef tongue used to teach suturing to students in Hyden, Kentucky, on October 11, 2013. Photo by Eleanor Hasken

Tori Baker, a teacher at Frontier Nursing University, holds a demonstration of a baby being born in Hyden, Kentucky, on Friday, October 11, 2013. Photo by Eleanor Hasken

Anne Cockerham, a teacher at the Frontier Nursing University, holds a female pelvic bone in Hyden, Kentucky, on Friday, October 11, 2013. Photo by Eleanor Hasken

Community Based Nurse-Midwifery students, Sadie Rayajih, left, and Amy Beckman examine a female pelvic bone at Frontier Nursing University in Hyden, Kentucky on October 11, 2013. Photo by Eleanor Hasken

Julie Marfell, left, dean of nursing at Frontier Nursing University, laughs with Susan Stone, President of Frontier Nursing University, during a photo shoot with Picture Kentucky Workshop in Wendover, Kentucky, on Wednesday, October 9, 2013. Photo by Eleanor Hasken

Students leave an inspiring message on a white board at the Frontier Nursing University in Hyden, Kentucky, on Friday, October 11, 2013. Photo by Eleanor Hasken

Students at Frontier Nursing University leave Haggin Dormitory after lunch in Hyden, Kentucky, on Friday, October 11, 2013. Photo by Eleanor Hasken

Heater Clarke, a teacher at Frontier Nursing University, demonstrates how to examine a woman using a mannequin in Hyden, Kentucky, on Thursday, October 10, 2013. Photo by Eleanor Hasken

Shelly Williamson, on her way to becoming a Certified Family Nurse Practitioner, rehearses the proper way to perform an exam on a woman at Frontier Nursing University in Hyden, Kentucky, on Thursday, October 10, 2013. Photo by Eleanor Hasken

Lowell Cornett smokes a cigarette outside the Auction House before playing his guitar at a "jam session" in downtown Hyden, Ky., on Thursday, October 10, 2013. Photo by Emily Wuetcher

Kelly Wells, a high school teacher, cooks hotdogs while reciting the national anthem before a football game at Leslie County High School in Hyden, Ky., on Friday, October 11, 2013. Photo by Emily Wuetcher

Tanner Horton plays his guitar before a football game at Leslie County High School in Hyden, Ky., on Thursday, October 10, 2013. Photo by Emily Wuetcher

Tanner Horton talks with Kenny Fugate outside the auction house in downtown Hyden, Ky., on Thursday, October 10, 2013. Horton, Fugate, and Lowell Cornet (right) play bluegrass music together at weekly jam sessions. Photo by Emily Wuetcher

Tanner Horton, 16, walks through a field at his uncle's farm in Windover, Ky., on Friday, October 11, 2013 before attempting to rope a horse. Tanner keeps his three horses at the farm but was unable to ride them for a month, causing them to be shy and difficult to catch. After three hours he gave up trying to catch the horses.

Wyatt Gay, 10, talks with his older brother Tanner Horton while watching a football game at Leslie County High School in downtown Hyden, Ky., on Thursday, October 10, 2013. Photo by Emily Wuetcher

Tanner Horton rides his ATV to the football game at Leslie County High School in downtown Hyden, Ky., on Thursday, October 10, 2013. Photo by Emily Wuetcher

Rice Caldwell embraces his fox, Vixey, on Friday, Oct. 11, 2013. Vixey has lived under Caldwell's house for about 12 years. She is free to come and go as she pleases. Photo by Erin McLaughlin

Kitty stares at her owners, Rice and Dorothy Caldwell, in their home on Thursday, Oct. 10, 2013. Photo by Erin McLaughlin

Kitty tries to get a bite of food from her owner, Rice Caldwell, on Thursday, Oct. 10, 2013. Photo by Erin McLaughlin

Nicky and Duke look from the porch at Naruto standing at the front step on Friday, Oct. 11. 2013. Three out of the five dogs live in the house while the other two live outside. Photo by Erin McLaughlin

Rice Caldwell stuffs a cigarette in his home on Thursday, Oct. 10, 2013. Caldwell saves money stuffing his own cigarettes instead of purchasing them pre-packaged. Photo by Erin McLaughlin

Rice Caldwell and his father, Chester Caldwell, pick some greens from the garden on Thursday, Oct. 10, 2013. Photo by Erin McLaughlin

Rice Caldwell shows how tall the corn stalks in his garden grew during the summer on Thursday Oct. 11, 2013. Photo by Erin McLaughlin

Rice Caldwell digs a ditch in his front yard on Thursday, Oct. 10, 2013. Caldwell is on disability and can't afford to hire people to fix problems on his property. He spends a lot of time doing the work himself. Photo by Erin McLaughlin

Rice Caldwell walks back to his home after talking with the workers putting blacktop on the road on Thursday, Oct. 10, 2013. Photo by Erin McLaughlin

Steve Hammitte (left) and Bernie Day (right) talk about how they are going to spend their afternoon riding through the mountains on Saturday, Oct.12, 2013. The group from Indiana visits Kentucky six to eight times a year. Photo by Erin McLaughlin

One of Wayne Asher's free roaming hens perched atop a cage for another rooster in the early Kentucky morning. Asher seperates the males after they hit a certain age because they attack one another often.

Wayne Asher, 51, injects medicine into the mouth of one of his 20+ roosters he raises for sport, while his friend, Andrew Hamblin, holds the animal's mouth open, on the border of Leslie County, Kentucky. Asher loves his roosters, and claims they are some of the proudest animals he has ever seen.

Bill Crisp darts in and out of his office early as the day starts going; a coal-fired heater warming the frigid Kentucky morning. Photographs of his nephew, a player on the Hyden Eagles football team, his brother, the athletic director and other escapades with friends in the area, decorate the walls in his office that he rarely has time to spend more than a fleeting moment in. Crisp acts as as much of a father figure to the community as a mechanic in the small town of 11,000.

Rick Woods inspects the belly of his Ford 150 as Crisp builds and welds him a mufler. He ended up spending the day at the shop; relaxing and joking with the customers and friends that stopped in. Woods ended up not having the cash needed yet, but left with his car and paid the next day.

Ralph Simpson (brother of John Simpson) sits in the back of the shop while Crisp works on a new mufler for their friend, Rick Woods.

Bill Crisp, Crisp Car Care owner, sits with his friend Ralph Simpson in his office while looking up car parts for one of the vehicles in his shop. The sense of community in Crisp's shop is very powerful; all the customers know the employees and the family and friends of both stop in often. Crisp's mother comes in and hangs out a few times a week.

Abby Joseph, 3, peers through the front window of "Just Around the Corner Hair Salon" in Hyden, Ky. on Saturday, Oct. 12, 2013, patiently waiting to see her feminine new hair-do. Photo by Jenna Watson

The Leslie County High School cheerleaders perform under stadium lights at half time on Friday night, Oct. 11, 2013 in Hyden, Ky. Photo by Jenna Watson

Polly Browning, 72, has lived in Hyden, Ky. her whole life. Seen here on Thursday, Oct. 20, 2013, Browning waits for daughter to return to the car to continue their morning of running errands around town. Photo by Jenna Watson

Montey "Shotgun" Bentley, 61, sits in downtown Hyden, Ky. the morning of Thursday, Oct. 10, 2013. Bentley resides a few miles from Hyden, in Stinnett, and is a member of the Hell's Angels, a part of his life that helped him overcome spending 12 years in prison earlier in life. Bentley was born in Baltimore, later lived for 25 years in Dayton, Ohio, and has called Kentucky his home for four years now. Photo by Jenna Watson

Curly, the owner of the City of Hyden Maintenance Garage, takes a break from his work on Wednesday, Oct. 9, 2013, in Hyden, Ky. Photo by Jenna Watson

A man takes an early morning walk to the county courthouse in Hyden, Ky. on Wednesday, Oct. 9, 2013.
Photo by Jenna Watson

Photo by Jenna Watson
Players share a moment with their dates as they exit form a rough loss to the Bobcats in Hyden, Ky. on Friday, Oct. 11, 2013.

Photo by Jenna Watson
A player pauses in reflection as the Eagles fall to the Betsy Layne Bobcats, ending at 51-0 on Friday, Oct. 11, 2013.

Photo by Jenna Watson
Congratulations are exchanged on the field after the Eagles fell to the Bulldogs Friday, Oct. 11, 2013.

Photo by Jenna Watson
The team's frustrations grow as the chance of a win is lost nearing the end of the game on Friday, Oct. 11, 2013.

Photo by Jenna Watson
Despite the Eagles' relentless attempts to defend against Betsy Layne, points continued to rise for the Bobcats Friday, Oct. 11, 2013 in Hyden, Ky.

Photo by Jenna Watson
As play continues for the Leslie County Eagles, a player's head drops as Betsy Lane keeps them from scoring any points, moving into the second half.

Photo by Jenna Watson
Wide receiver James Brock (right) fights to receive the ball as a Betsy Layne opponent forced an incompletion during the second half of the game in Hyden, Ky. on Friday, Oct. 11, 2013.

Photo by Jenna Watson
The Leslie County Eagles pause for the invocation prayer at the end zone before taking on Betsy Layne in Hyden, Ky. on Friday, Oct. 11, 2013. The team prays before and after ecah game, displaying a very strong connection to faith in the community.

Photo by Jenna Watson
A Leslie County player enters the locker room to finish gearing up before taking the field Friday evening, Oct. 11, 2013 in Hyden, Ky.

Photo by Jenna Watson
The Leslie County Eagles' starting lineup stretches in the weightroom in Hyden, Ky. before taking the field against Betsy Layne Friday, Oct. 11, 2013.

Photo by Jenna Watson
In the minutes before taking the field, players scatter through the lockeroom getting in the right mindset, whether it be with horseplay or a quiet conversation.

Photo by Jenna Watson
A player uses a pair of tools on his cleats with determination before the Leslie County High School game against Betsy Layne on Friday, Oct. 11, 2013 in Hayden, Ky. Players spend downtime on the school balcony playing guitars, preparing gear and getting rit of pre-game jitters.

Photos of Bonnell Bentley's family above an old soda machine in his shop, Bentley's Repair Service in Wooten, Ky., including a portrait of a Bennet family reunion, and his daughters. Friday, Oct. 12, 2013. Photo by Judah Taylor

The office of Bentley's Repair Service is full of tools, papers, supplies and memories. Photo by Judah Taylor

Brian Madden reflected in an oil pan, during an oil change at Bentley's Repair Service, in Wooten, Ky. Friday, Oct. 11, 2013. Photo by Judah Taylor

Brian Madden (right) updates Bonnell Bentley (center) on a troublesome job, while Gordon Hunter listens. Friday, Oct. 12, 2013 at Bentley's Repair Service. Photo by Judah Taylor

The back windows in Bentley's Auto Service in Wooten, KY. Thursday, Oct. 11, 2013. Photo by Judah Taylor

Gordon Hunter (right) and Brian Madden work on a complicated truck engine, which has been in the Bentley's Repair Service for two weeks. On the previous day, they put in the engine. Friday, Oct. 12, 2013. Photo by Judah Taylor

Brian Madden's father built this furnace in Bentley's Repair Service almost two decades ago, when he worked along side Brian at the auto shop in Wooten, Ky. The coal furnace still heats the shop today. Photo by Judah Taylor

Gordon Hunter selects tools in the background. Bentley's Auto Service in Wooten, Ky., Oct. 11, 2013. Photo by Judah Taylor

Brian Madden (right) has been employed by Bonnell Bentley since he was 15 years old. His father worked with Bentley for many years before passing, and lived within a "stone's throw" of the shop, Saturday, Oct. 12, 2013. Photo by Judah Taylor

Owner Bonnell Bentley and mechanic Brian Madden at Bentley's Repair Service in Wooten, Ky., Thursday Oct. 10, 2013. Photo by Judah Taylor

Morning at Bentley's Auto Service, in Wooten, Ky. The shop used to have several gas pumps and service race cars. Today Bentley's services friends from as Hyden, and as far as Georgia at the shop. Friday Oct. 12, 2013. Photo by Judah Taylor

"Curly" rests after a day of work for the city of Hyden, Kentucky. He expects to retire and give the reins to Bo Asher within a few years where he will retire in his home in the mountains and fight chickens. Photo by Leah Klafczynski

Bo Asher and "Curly" lift a shovel off a piece of machinery needed to dig up the sewage ditches on Friday, October 11, 2013 in the city maintenance yard, Hyden, Kentucky. Photo by Leah Klafczynski

Bo assists "Curly" from above a ditch where they fix some piping near the county jail in Hyden, Kent., on Friday, October 11, 2013. Photo by Leah Klafczynski

Bo and "Curly" drive to Hyden's sewer system on Friday, October 12, 2013 in Hyden, Kent. "The boys" are in charge of all sewage and piping in the county. Photo by Leah Klafczynski

Bo Asher, 28, takes direction from "Curly" on Thursday, October 10, 2013 in Hyden, Kent. When "Curly" retires in a few years, Bo will take over the management. Photo by Leah Klafczynski

Hyden, Kent., city maintenance department at the desk at the shop where "the boys" wait around for random calls for odd jobs to fill there day, Thursday, Oct. 10, 2013. Photo by Leah Klafczynski

Mark, 22, has been working maintenance for the city of Hyden, Kent., for less then a year, Thursday, Oct. 10, 2013. Photo by Leah Klafczynski

Mayor Lonnie Hendrix visits with "the boys" of Hyden, Kent., Thursday, Oct. 10, 2013, who do all maintenance for the city and other odd jobs. "The boys" consist of manager, "Curly," and assistants Bo Asher and newcomer Mark. Photo by Leah Klafczynski

Hyden, Kent., Mayor Lonnie Hendrix enjoys a break outside on Friday, October 11, 2013 with his secretary, Debrah Gross, and wife. Photo by Leah Klafczynski

Hyden, Kent., Mayor Lonnie Hendrix greets his long time business friends from Indianapolis on Wednesday, October 9, 2013. Photo by Leah Klafczynski

Mayor Lonnie Hendrix stops his car while turning on Maple Street to greet a familiar face. The city of Hyden is made up of around 300 tightly-knit people. Photo by Leah Klafczynski

Lonnie Hendrix talks on the phone and smokes his electronic cigarette in his office on Wednesday, October 9, 2013. Hendrix had been smoking up to three packs a day and recently decided to break the habit to better his health for himself and his town. Photo by Leah Klafczynski

Hyden, Kentucky is a small city in Leslie County, Eastern Kentucky ran by Mayor Lonnie Hendrix. Photo by Leah Klafczynski

Alyssa, 6, of Hyden, Kentucky, Saturday, Oct. 12, 2013, listens to the television through her headphones while eating curly fries at her parents newfound tobacco vapor business, Wildcat Vapor Store. Alyssa is at the shop daily and is asked by her parents to wear headphones anytime she wants to watch TV. Photo by Leah Klafczynski

"Curly," town maintenance manager of Hyden, Kentucky, checks the hold on a bucket at his shop on Friday, October 11, 2013. Photo by Leah Klafczynski

Children play on a $25,000 jungle gym at Riverfront Park funded by Mayor Lonnie Hendrix in Hyden, Kentucky on Tuesday, October 10, 2013. Mayor Hendrix had to go to Washington, D.C. in order to get money for the playground. Photo by Leah Klafczynski

82 year old Willy Bogg stands in front of the pine wood barn that he and his two sons built for their horses on October 12 , 2013. Bogg recently underwent surgery for cancer and, for the first time, cannot help his two sons cut wood needed to help heat their homes.

Chloe’s great aunt comes to pick her up from Debbie Farler of Leslie Early Head Start childcare on Friday, October 11, 2013. The daycare is free to the families and is open Monday through Friday. However, the waiting time for children who want a place at Early Head Start can be up to 3 years.

Gunner, 3, builds a “clubhouse” out of large colored blocks while at Leslie Early Head Start childcare on October 11, 2013 in Hyden, Kentucky. The daycare is funded entirely by the government, and could be in jeopardy if the government shutdown continues.

Kayla Morgan and Debbie Farler talk through the window in the office of Early Head Start childcare on October 11, 2013. The women who work at Early Head Start use the window to communicate whenever one of them takes the kids out for a walk or out to the playground.

Since school was cancelled for fall break, Gunner was the only child to show up at Leslie Early Head Start childcare on for the morning on Friday, October 11. Luckily for him, that means plenty of attention from caretaker, Kayla Morgans.

Linda Heller bathes in her outdoor tub. Heller has no running water in her cabin other than a sink in the downstairs kitchen. The water in the tub is warmed by a fire beneath the bath. Photo by Morgan Eads

Linda Heller, who was trying to plant raspberry bushes, takes a moment to pet her dog Boo. Boo belonged to Heller's father, and when her father passed away Boo moved to Beyond Yonder. Boo has had five different owners. He now rarely strays far from Heller's side. Photo by Morgan Eads

Linda Heller's granddaughter Sierra Hylton washes her hair in the rain barrel while her girlfriend Tori Cantrell looks on. The only running water in the cabin is a sink in the kitchen. Photo by Morgan Eads

Linda Heller's granddaughter Sierra Hylton, right, stays with Heller on Beyond Yonder in the summers. Hylton currently lives in Heller's cabin her girlfriend Tori Campbell. Hylton works two jobs and drives over an hour to get to work each day. Photo by Morgan Eads

Linda Heller talks with her daughter on the phone at her Leslie County cabin. With limited cell phone reception at the cabin, Heller relies on her landline phone and her dial-up internet to speak her relatives who live in Florida. Photo by Morgan Eads

Heller pushes dirt around her newly planted raspberry bushes. Heller has a number of flower and berry bushes around Beyond Yonder and is applying for a grant to bring more fruit trees and food plants to her property and to the community. Photo by Morgan Eads

Linda Heller, 66, puts her contacts in by using a broken piece of mirror on her porch. Heller uses the broken mirror because she has no other mirrors at her home. There are no bathrooms in the house. Photo by Morgan Eads

Linda Heller works on one of the many gardens at her isolated home on Beyond Yonder Road. Heller grows number of flowers and herbs. A festival held at the cabin each year centers around the herbs and diverse religious ceremonies. Heller's festival brought more than 100 people to the holler at Beyond Yonder this fall. Photo by Morgan Eads

Linda Heller's cabin is the only residence in the hollow on Beyond Yonder Road. The house is about an hour away from the nearest town. Heller, her granddaughter, her granddaughter's girlfriend and Heller's dog live together in the cabin. "There is something powerful, almost mystic about this hollow," Heller said. Photo by Morgan Eads

Daniel Hurt, left, and Otis Coots stand outside of Coots' small apartment on the side of Highway 421. Coots is unable to work due to a severe back injury and cares for his father, who has Alzheimer's and also lives in the group of apartments. Hurt called the group of apartments the "projects of Hyden." Photo by Morgan Eads

Leamon Maggard, 71, lives alone in a small apartment on the side of highway 421. The apartment has one room that serves as his kitchen, living room and bedroom as well as one bathroom. On his bedside table Maggard has a frame holding a number of pictures of his relatives. He also has a frame holding several pictures of his brother, who died "a long, long time ago." Maggard's son Otis Coots lives in a neighboring apartment and says Maggard has fairly severe Alzheimer's. Photo by Morgan Eads

Arnie Campbell, center seated, relaxes with his family after working in the Blue Diamond Plant. His son, Colton Combs, far right, also works for Blue Diamond in the coal mines. Recent hour cuts have made it difficult for the family to get by. The family bought land off of Devils Jump Road and began building a house. Due to the hour cuts at the mine, the home remains unfinished. Photo by Morgan Eads

A Palm Sunday cross is tucked behind the exit sign at El Cazador Mexican Restaurant off of Highway 421 in Hyden, Ky. Photo by Rachel Aretakis

When the restaurant is empty, waitress Adelaida Alavez stitches to pass the time as the manager, Palemón Castro, jokes with her and other employees. Photo by Rachel Aretakis

Adelaida Alavez, left, and Rita Sajinas chat as they wait for customers on Thursday, Oct. 10, 2013. Photo by Rachel Aretakis

Eleacar Valero, whose nickname is "Chuckie," prepares fajitas for customers at El Cazador Mexican Restaurant on Thursday, Oct. 10, 2013 in Hyden, Ky. Photo by Rachel Aretakis

Adelaida Alavez, who is a waitress at El Cazador Mexican Restaurant, is originally from Oaxaca, Mexio. She works at the restaurant with her husband and sister. Photo by Rachel Aretakis

Waitresses Adelaida Alavez, center, and Miriam Alavez pick up food from the cook, Eleacar Valero, to take to waiting customers at El Cazador Mexican Restaurant in Hyden, Ky. Photo by Rachel Aretakis

A customer looks through the menu at El Cazador Mexican Restaurant as he waits for his pick-up food. A child turns the machine knob to get his prize on Friday, Oct. 11, 2013. Photo by Rachel Aretakis

El Cazador Mexican Restaurant in Hyden, Ky. sits on the side of Highway 421 just south of the city. Stores, abandoned buildings and houses surround the restaurant. Photo by Rachel Aretakis

Miriam Alavez clips an order for food at the kitchen counter at El Cazardor Mexican Restaurant. Alavez, who is originally from Oaxaca, Mexico, works at the restaurant with her sister, Adelaida Alavez. Photo by Rachel Aretakis

Baskets for fried chips in the back room at El Cazador Mexican Restaurant in Hyden, Ky. Photo by Rachel Aretakis

Palemón Castro, left, and Miriam Alavez gaze outside waiting for customers at El Cazador Mexican Restaurant on Highway 421 in Hyden, Ky., on Friday, Oct. 11, 2013. Photo by Rachel Aretakis

An abandoned game of horseshoes sits in a lot next to a school bus in Hyden, Ky. Photo by Rachel Aretakis

Lumber from Poplar trees are stacked outside of the saw mill at BPM Lumber on Highway 421 in Hyden, Ky. A.J. Caudill, mill foreman, says Poplar trees are the easiest tree to work with because they are light and easy to saw. Photo by Rachel Aretakis

A flattened Coke can blends in with the gravel outside an abandoned store on Highway 421 in Hyden, Ky. Photo by Rachel Aretakis

Members of Rockhouse Pentecostal Church sing and bless a woman on Wednesday, Oct. 9, 2013. Photo by Rachel Aretakis

Two members of Rockhouse Pentecostal Church sit during a church service on Wednesday, Oct. 9, 2013 in Hyden, Ky. Photo by Rachel Aretakis

Two elementary school football players practice outside of Mountain View Elementary School on Thursday, Oct. 9, 2013 in Hyden, Ky. Photo by Rachel Aretakis

A.J. Caudill walks with another production manager to check on a shipment of blades at the back of the saw mill on Oct. 11, 2013 in Hyden, Ky. Photo by Rachel Aretakis

Mill Manager and Foreman A.J. Caudill relaxes in his office as he chats with an employee after returning from touring the saw mill. Photo by Rachel Aretakis

A truck carrying lumber leaves the BPM Lumber saw mill on Highway 421 on Oct. 11, 2013 in Hyden, Ky. Photo by Rachel Aretakis

Dwight Hall of Manchester, Ky., pulls off of Highway 421 to secure his truck of logs as he heads from the Hyden facility to Whitesburg, Ky., on Oct. 11, 2013. Photo by Rachel Aretakis

Carl Maggard smokes a cigarette during his lunch break on Friday, Oct. 11, 2013. Maggard, who is from Wootan, Ky., works in the saw mill pulling lumber off of the green chains. Photo by Rachel Aretakis

BPM Lumber employees sit on a conveyor belt for wood planks during their Friday lunch break after most of them cashed their checks in downtown Hyden. Photo by Rachel Aretakis

On pay day, BPM Lumber employees get extra break time to go downtown Hyden and cash their checks. As they leave, A.J. Caudill and another production manager head to the back of the mill to check on a shipment of blades. Photo by Rachel Aretakis

Mil Manager A.J. Caudill, center, checks in on production and encourages his employees inside the saw mill on Oct. 11, 2013. Photo by Rachel Aretakis

Mill Manager and Foreman A.J. Caudill speaks with a mechanic at the saw mill about fixing a part on a piece of machinery on Oct. 10, 2013. Photo by Rachel Aretakis

A.J. Caudill, mill foreman, walks across a bridge inside the saw mill on Oct. 10, 2013. The mill processes Poplar, Hickory, Oak, Walnut, Pine and Cherry trees.
Photo by Rachel Aretakis

A.J. Caudill, left, speaks with one of his employees at the BPM Lumber saw mill on Highway 421 in Hyden, Ky. Caudill makes rounds several times a day, checking in on employees and making sure the mill is running smoothly. Photo by Rachel Aretakis

Saw mill employees start their day around 6 a.m. and work until about 4:30 p.m. A small bridge over a creek connects the parking lot and office to the rest of the mill area. Photo by Rachel Aretakis

Morning fog disappears over the lumber yard at BPM Lumber located off of Highway 421 in Hyden, Ky., on Oct. 12, 2013. Roughly 40 people work at the mill, which is the smallest of BPM's three facilities (London, Whitesburg and Hyden). Photo by Rachel Aretakis

A.J. Caudill, saw mill foreman, manager and security manager for BPM Lumber, stands in the back of the mill discussing what to do with a shipment of blades on Oct. 12, 2013 in Hyden, Ky. Caudill, who lives in Whitesburg, was transferred to the BPM Hyden mill from the Whitesburg facility about four months ago. Photo by Rachel Aretakis

Hobart Asher gets a load of logs ready for processing at the lumber yard in Jackson, Ky. on Friday, Oct. 11, 2013. On Friday, Asher was in charge of delivering the cut logs from the logging site to the processing site.
Photo by Rachael Le Goubin

Once the logs from the site are delivered to the sawmill they are off-loaded and stacked in piles ready for processing.
Photo by Rachael Le Goubin

In order to get to the acres with the timber for logging, the lumber company has to create the roads used for dragging the trees to the drop site. A bulldozer clears a path through the trees before any work can get under way. Eventually the roads will be gravelled over to make it easier for the trucks, but this process takes around $70,000 a year in material costs.
Photo by Rachael Le Goubin

Scott Cornett is the main timber cutter for BPM Lumber Company at the logging site in Harlan County, Ky. Each team consists of four to five men that handle specific jobs on the logging site to make the process run as smothly as possible. All of the tree cutting is done with a hand held chainsaw and is the most dangerous job in the process.
Photo by Rachael Le Goubin

The main tree cutter at the logging site in Jackson, Ky, Freddy Asher, clears a tree off the path. Asher spends the majority of his workday up on the incline of the hill the team is working on moving from tree to tree with his chainsaw. In an accident where he was hit by a falling limb, Freddy broke his spine in 17 places and spent 21 days in ICU. From various other injuries in the field, he has had to get over 700 stitches and risked losing his fingers, yet he still works six days a week.
Photo by Rachael Le Goubin

Clearing a logging site typically takes up to 7 months to complete and then the company moves on to the next plot of land. The BPM Lumber company started at a new site on Friday, Oct 5, 2013. The team has to clear roads and paths to carry the trees down the mountain before any logging can begin.
Photo by Rachael Le Goubin

A logging truck returns to the sawmill in Hyden, Ky. with its load of logs early in the morning on Thursday, Oct. 10, 2013. The timber industry in Kentucky is a major industry since the coal mining has been stopped. Timber companies pay for plots of land rich in specific types of trees and log them for their timber. Each type of lumber is delivered and processed for profit at sawmills over the state of Kentucky. The loggers only log deciduous trees because they are able to regenerate over time without being replanted.
Photo by Rachael Le Goubin

Marlene Feltner holding her grandson Braxton at her farmhouse in Wendover, Ky., on Friday, October, 11, 2013. He ran around and played on the farm all afternoon. Photo by Rachel Walker

Marlene and William Feltner playing with their grandson Braxton at their farm house in Wendover, Ky., on Friday, October, 11, 2013. Marlene picks up her grandson most days from daycare and he comes back to her house. She is always amazed by how much energy he constantly has. Photo by Rachel Walker

Marlene Feltner walks through her fathers farm house to lock it up in Wendover, Ky., on Friday, October, 11, 2013. It isn't used year around, only for family events. Photo by Rachel Walker

Marlene Feltner reflects on her family history in her fathers farm house in Wendover, Ky., on Friday, October, 11, 2013. Her fathers farm house is now used for family events and this wall houses family photos and memorabilia. Photo by Rachel Walker

George Wooton's farm house, now Marlene Feltners in Wendover, Ky., on Friday, October, 11, 2013. Marlene and her family now only use this house for Thankgivings and family events. It sits on over a 100 acre farm. Photo by Rachel Walker

George Wooton's, farm now owed by his daughter Marlene Feltner's in Wendover, Ky., on Thursday, October, 10, 2013. Marlene has never lived here when she was younger but came and visited frequently and now owns it. Photo by Rachel Walker

Marlene Feltner and Deina Melton accepting a package from the UPS postman at the flower shop in Hyden, Ky., on Thursday, October, 10, 2013. Photo by Rachel Walker

The outside of Flowers on Main owed by Marlene Feltner in downtown Hyden, Ky., on Friday, October, 11, 2013. Photo by Rachel Walker

Marlene Feltner unloading Christmas decorations in Flowers on Main in Hyden, Ky., on Saturday, October, 12, 2013. Marlene has worked in this flower shop most her life and three years ago she bought it. Photo by Rachel Walker

A photograph of Mary Bridgewater and Marlene Feltner, formerly Wooden, in the Frontier Nursing University dorms in Hyden, Ky., on Saturday, October, 12, 2013. Photo by Rachel Walker

The chaple next to the Frontier Nursing University built in 1926 in Hyden, Ky., on Saturday, October, 12, 2013. Photo by Rachel Walker

The Hurricane Minors Memorial at sunset in Wendover, Ky., on Thursday, October, 10, 2013. Photo by Rachel Walker

Two horses owed by a local man during the morning hours in Wendover, Ky., on Wednesday, October, 9, 2013. Photo by Rachel Walker

Leslie Country residents at the local Bluegrass Music auction at 7p.m. in Hyden , Ky., on Thursday, October, 10, 2013. Photo by Rachel Walker

Owen "Goofy" Adams smiles while talking to customers at Goofy's Game Room on Friday, Oct. 11, 2013. Photo by Tessa Lighty

A man plays pool while waiting for his food at Goofy's Game Room on Friday, Oct. 11, 2013 in Hyden, Ky. Photo by Tessa Lighty

Two men pray during church service at Rockhouse Pentecostal Church on Wednesday, Oct. 9, 2013, in Hyden, Ky. Photo by Tessa Lighty

Newell stands in the press box for the invocation prayer at the football game before giving his radio show. Newell has been religious all his life because his father was a pastor. He was placed in Leslie County as a missionary. Photo by Tessa Lighty

Newell commentates at the football games and gives a halftime show on the radio. Football is a passion of his and he is able to live in a county where people listen to his opinions on the games. Photo by Tessa Lighty

Newell talks to high school student Troy Woods before the football game on Friday, Oct. 11, 2013 in Hyden, Ky. Newell can hardly go anywhere without seeing someone he knows. "He's a friend," said Woods. "He's just in the community so much." Photo by Tessa Lighty

Newell takes a photo a winning girl's basketball team. Newell takes photos around the town, frames and matts pictures, and does senior portraits and wedding photography. "I grew up with a camera in my hand," said Newell. "I would love to build that business but I just don't have time right now." Photo by Tessa Lighty

Newell gets his team excited before their game at the Richard M. Nixon Recreation Center on Wednesday, Oct. 9, 2013 in Hyden, Ky. Newell is coaching two girl's basketball teams for Mountain Elementary School. "When it comes to the kids, I'm here for them," said Newell. Photo by Tessa Lighty

Newell delivers basketball trophies to Mountain Elementary School with the help of guidance counselor Theresa Griffith. Newell has coached the girl's basketball team at Mountain Elementary for two generations of girls. "I tried to retire for a year but I missed it," said Newell. Photo by Tessa Lighty

Newell co-hosts a radio show called "Coach's Corner" once a week. The show is for Mountain Elementary School and broadcasts out of the town's Hardee's. Twenty percent of the sales benefit the athletic group featured for the week. "We get a good crowd out here," said Newell. Photo by Tessa Lighty

Newell drives the school bus for Leslie County High School and Mountain Elementary School for more than four hours each school day. "I have a good relationship with the kids," said Newell. Photo by Tessa Lighty

Newell often delivers shaved ice from his stand to the classrooms at Leslie County High School and Mountain Elementary School on Thursday, Oct. 10, 2013 in Hyden, Ky. Newell has owned the Tropical Sno stand with his wife for almost 18 years. The stand, which is the only one of its kind in town, is right across the street from the high school and doubles as Newell's photography studio. "If you've lived in Leslie County for more than two days, you know John Newell," said Leslie County resident Betty Lashon. Photo by Tessa Lighty

John Newell is quiet, humble and dedicated to his community. For 40 years, he has given back to Leslie County by being a middle school basketball coach, radio show host, school bus driver, town photographer and the owner of a shaved ice shop. On top of all that, Newell works Character Development Crisis and is a Volunteer Fire Chief. If he has a free moment he is with his family or church, Newell said. Newell's work as a missionary for Camp Nathaniel led him to Leslie County. "I'm community minded. I like to help," said Newell. "I'm trying to slow down, but it hasn't worked." Photo by Tessa Lighty